Sunday, November 16, 2008

The way forward

The meeting today was very fruitful, I thought. Not only did we get small bites of theology from Fr T, we finally have a clear direction about the way forward. I am excited by the possibilities of organising a conference/seminar programme that expands our current conception of music ministry. I am excited about being part of a regular faith formation & spiritual formation programme again. There is a great desire in my heart to grow in a deep way, moving forward once more in my spiritual life. :)

btw, who is nelly welly? i am assuming munchkin & pumpkin is Mark?


pumpkin said...

Using my encryption software:
Nelly = Nicole
Love Letters = Gen
Tow family = Don
Munchkin = Janice
Munckin & Pumpkin = Mark

nelly welly said...

nelly welly is eunice..